Coventry Volunteer Fire Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 4, 2011 Meeting called to order by L.Bragdon 19:15 hours Members Present: L.Bragdon, C.Grover, J.M.Carilli, T.Christensen, K.Boutin, R.Engler, T.Johnson, M.Carilli, L.Smith , E.Proulx Guests: R.Hodgkins, B.Wong, D.Hoffman, D.Cote, J.Krawetzky, R.Breault Secretaries Report: Posted Motion: J.M.Carilli 2nd T.Johnson to accept Secretaries Report Motion: Carried Motion: J.M.Carilli 2nd T.Johnson to change order of business for presentation by K.Boutin of NCFD building proposal Motion: Carried NCFD building proposal presented to Board by K.Boutin K.Boutin would like Board of Directors to go on record as supporting new NCFD proposed building, would like to do Powerpoint presentation with R.Landry for Members at next weeks monthly meeting. Motion: J.M.Carilli 2nd E.Proulx to place sign out front showing our support for NCFD's new building, and presentation to members on September 11, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. Motion: Carried Unanimously Secretary will send letter to Town Council notifying them of our support for NCFD proposed building Motion; J.M.Carilli 2nd T.Johnson to return to regular order of business Motion: Carried Treasurer's Report: no bank statements in yet Motion: T.Johnson 2nd J.M.Carilli to increase computer budget from $5,000.00 to $12,000.00, to cover cost of contract cost with Taber Solutions Discussion Followed Yes-8 No-1 Abstention-1 Motion: Carried Motion: E.Proulx 2nd L.Smith to return money alotted for repair of S308 back to CAG account. Discussion Followed Yes-9 Abstention-1 Motion: Carried Assistant Treasurer's Report: no bank staements in yet Chief's Report: Reminder to all members to be familiar with rules and regulations posted, members are responsible for making sure they are put in for calls CVFA did very well during and after the storm with handling the large amount of calls Reminder if you are doing Duty Crew/Emergency Stand By you are to go on calls if you are directed to by an Officer Clarrification of BY-Laws states in the absence of the Chief the next officer in line iss in charge in Emeergency situations Wednesday will be critique of the Storm stand-by Check with Security company to have battery back-up for the key fob system in the event of power outage. L.Bragdon will check with security company to have installed Board of Fire Officer's Report: Posted Committee Reports: none Communications: Thank you letter from Bob Trosler job coach of Josh Norris who worked with D.Taber for a day leasrning about computers. Thank You from Jeannie Marsh for assistance with recent calls at her home with a $100.00 donation. L.Bragdon: smoking is permitted only in the 2 back areas of the building Motion: T.Christensen 2nd L.Smith to purchase smokers shelter, the cost of having concrete pad pored and cost of building permit, to be paid for out of CAG Motion: Carried Bills: none, reminder from Treasurer Johnson to please put charge card receipts in her mailbox Membership Meeting Minutes: Posted Old Business R.Engler:75th Anniversary proceeds were to be given to Fallen Firefighters Memorial, has it been done J.M.Carilli: After Fill the Boot the money will be presented at the Convention New Business: Motion: J.M.Carilli 2nd M.Carilli to purchase 10 Seminar tables from office products at a cost of $141.00 each to be paid for out of Ambulance Training Discussion Followed Yes-1 No-7 Abstention-1 Motion Failed Motion: L.Smith 2nd E.Proulx to purchase fax/scanner for Lt. Hoffman to do insurance billing not to exceed $300.00 to be paid for out of Office Equipment Yes-9 Abstention-1 Motion: Carried Motion: L.Smith 2nd T.Johnson to purchase shredder for Watch Room to be paid for out of Office Equipment Yes-9 Abstention-1 Motion: Carried J.M.Carilli: reminder of Fallen Firefighters Memorial C eremony coming up Hebron Fair Muster coming up, have L.Bragdon look into Officer's not doing their duty shifts L.Brsgdon will speak to them Motion: L.Bragdon 2nd L.Smith to adjourn Meeting Motion: Carried Meeting adjourned 20:45 hours Respectfully Submitted Lila Smith Secretary Coventry Volunteer Fire Association