Coventry Volunteer Fire Association Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes July 10,2011 Meeting called to order by L.Bragdon 19:05 hours Pledge of Allegience said by Membership Motion: J.M.Carilli 2nd L.Smith to change order of business Motion: Carried J.M.Carilli, K.Boutin, L.Bragdon guests from Mansfield Fire Department, thank you to our mutual aid partner Chief Daigon: we have had and still have a very good relationship with CVFA.CVFA is a very dedicated group of professionals, anytime MFD has needed assistance CVFA was there and willing to help us out.MFD presented CVFA with a plaque for 75 years of service to their community and neighboring communities. J.M.Carilli, L.Bragdon presented Firefighter of the Year 2010 to Geoffry Firth for getting somone out of a burning building in 2010. Motion: J.M.Carilli 2nd L.Smith to resume to regular order of business Motion:Carried Secretaries Report: Posted Motion: J.M.Carilli 2nd S.Pacholski to accept Secretaries Report with change: motion last month by C.Ardel was for all Association meeting minutes be e-mailed to members, word Association was left out; is now changed. Motion: Carried Treasurer's Report: May: Beginning Balance: $41,503.75 Ending Balance: $22,453.96 June: Beginning Balance: $22,453.96 Ending Balance: $14,618.53 Asssistant Treasurer's Report: Shattered Dreams: Beginning Balance: $332.54 Ending Balance:$ 332.58 Junior Fund had no activity Balance: $263.89 Firemans Fund: Beginning Balance: $2,453.84 Ending Balance: $2,116.29 Fundraiser Account: Beginning Balance: $17,709.97 Ending Balance: $2,742.04 Chief's Report: 6 more people went to Swiftwater training, for a total of 11 people, if anyone is interested in Swiftwater training see the chief Parade and Carnival is Saturday, would like all members to attend Friday will be gathering with F.Libby at original station for celebration of 75 years. Drill Wednesday will be cleaning station and apparatus for Saturday. Thank you to Deputy Chief Boutin for taking care of everything while the Chief was out of town at Swiftwater Training New CPR must be done by January 2010, it is a 4 hour class, multiple classes will be offered from ow until January 2010 for members to do new training Board of Fire Officers Minutes: Posted Committee Reports: Juniors: EMS Lt. D.Hoffman is in charge of Juniors; T.Christensen, A.Burger, J.Kraawetzky are advisors B.Parenti resigned; R.Boutin will now be Captain V.Firth will now be Leuitenant A.Caron will now be Secretary 75th Anniversary: Friday: gathering at old station at 7:00 P.M. with F.Libby Saturday: members meet at station 8 at 8:00 A.M. Parade at 10:00 followed by Carnival Parade Marshall's Association to judge parade 60 vehicles are expected to be in parade Litchfield Hills Bagpipe will kbe in paradeGrand Marshall of parade will be M.Devine Members sign up for Muster and dunk booth Any questions see J.M.Carilli, D.Cote or A.Caron Communications: Thank You letter from Ryan Sullivan for being recipient of George Savoie Memorial Scholarship Applications for Membeship: None Motion: K.Boutin 2nd J.M.Carilli for A.Waterhouse, J.Davis to come off probation as they have fulfilled their probationary requirements Motion: Carried Motion: K.Boutin 2nd J.M.Carilli to extend probation of J.Bolduc by 2 months Motion: Carried Board of Directors Minutes: Posted Old Business: T.Johnson: 56 members still need to fill out W4's for Incentive Program by Town of Coventry: 14 of those are active members If you wish to "opt out" of Incentive plan please give Treasurer a letter with your request Motion: D.Taber 2nd J.M.Carilli to form Committe to maintain, up date and fix any issues with website Discussion: Board of Directors and Officers now have an e-mail at Coventry, anyone interested in being on committee please see D.Taber Motion: Carried New Business: L.Bragdon: Frank Spencer's Family has CVFA's old trophy case anyone interested in having it, please contact R.Aubin or M.Church Discussion followed 60/40: $48.00 won by S.Pacholski Roll Call: C.Grover Motion: K.Boutin 2nd D.Taber to adjourn meeting Motion: Carried Meeting adjourned 19:45 hours Respectfully Lila Smith Secretary CVFA